An empty bullet shell is the perfect flower vase

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Weekends a la Kabul

Now that I'm a working girl (not that kind of working girl, you dirty minded fools), I don't get to see the sun much because I spend about 10 hours a day at my desk.  I work to the soundtrack of

"click click click click click click click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click click click click clickclick click click click click click click click click click click click click click"



It's enough to make me want to lose my mind, but it makes me look forward to the weekends that much more.  Weekends in Kabul are interesting because it's not like you can be all last minute about things.  You have to plan ahead and if you don't, you're stuck.  So this past weekend was Nawruz and D's bro was ending a horrible week of vacation here, so we decided to spend as much time cradling his broken heart as possible.  Friday morning started with a trip to Qargah Lake, where we witnessed a super awesome dance-off between modern and traditional Pashtun boys (will post video soon), went to a BBQ at my favorite (not) Frenchie's house in the afternoon and then on to way too many alcoholic beverages in the evening.  Got stopped by the police at a check point because I had my chador covering my whole face and got harassed for a 5 minutes.

****Insert side note here**** One would think that being fully covered here would be a good thing, but I honestly get harassed no matter what.  Fully covered, no ankles showing, I get spat at.  Not fully covered, ankles showing, I get spat at.  Chador covering my face a la burqa style, I get harassed.  I can't win!

Anyhow, the next few days I spent walking around, which is a novelty here, playing tennis, trying to feed a pregnant cat some funky looking chicken that arrived on my plate (you know there's something wrong when even the preggo cat won't eat it) and getting more drunk.  All in all a good weekend compared to most.  Now I'm halfway through another work week and waiting for the next few days to pass.

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